The real fun starts by traveling with joystick.
Twin Peak Filter von Rob Hordijk
This filter is using the Twin peak principle of two inverse-parallel LP filters, and other instruments/modules that use this Twin peak principle are in 24/7, Blipoo Box and 5 HU modules of Rob Hordijk, but with different LP-filter implementations and resulting sound. This filter produces incredible and new sound spectra. Vocal sounds, ping and ringing sounds and powerful low frequency bass sounds.
Any input signal, also CV, are directly routed to two tracking controllers. This is the key to get fast control to all this ping- and ring sounds. Extra CV1 and CV2 is tuned to 1V/Oct.
RES Mod is great for vocal sounds.
14hp/TE, consumes +-35ma, deep 55mm .
One TWP with stick feed by two „S/H closed loop“ and two LFO
Mainly dominated by „RES Mod“
Zwei invers verschaltete Filter erzeugen einen neuartigen Klang der mit keinem anderem Modul so erreichbar ist.
Das Filter kann vokal- artige Resonanzen erzeugen. Die Resonanz ist modulierbar. Die Filterfrequenz jedes Filter kann mit dem Joystick sehr effektiv geregelt werden. Tracking des Eingangsignals für jedes Filter, externe CV-In für jedes Filter, CV-In für die gemeinsame Resonanz. Faszinierendes Filtermodul, mehr als ein Filter.