Cases and more

Little Case, max dimension 30 x 20 cm.

It is designed for 3HE Eurorack modules.

A small frontpanel (46mm) with 2 modules is already integrated. Modules you need: Envelope and Wavefolder.

Powersupply from extern source.

Interested, please ask.


Little Synth in black old metall box form former times. Include a little mixer and mini power amp to drive a pair of speaker build in the cover of metall box.



Alu case houses a synth.



Rackcase fits 4 x 3 HE with full TE.

A 4×3 HP case we build in a wooden cabinet. It is a flight case for mixer or so, but serve perfect for a medium modular synth. Switching power supply made by „Meanwell“ and another linear power supply regulated with LM2596 DC-DC converter for long term test.